Sunday 5 December 2010


'Radical Orthodox' theologian John Millbank-  the inspiration behind Phillip Blond's Theology of the Big Society and 'Red Toryism' has responded to the Common Wealth initiative in characteristic style here. We are hoping to get the site to publish a response in the near future. The fact that Millbank has chosen to tackle our statement even in such a superficial and condescending manner shows we have made some headway and is a good sign of the statements impact on debates in the church.

Meanwhile the Joint Public Issues Team of the Methodists, Baptists and URC are organising a conference at Carrs Lane Church in Birmingham on 22 January with the interesting title Poverty of Ambition? Churches and a Politics of Hope. The Conference is free and open with much opportunity for discussion. It would be good to get as many Common Wealth supporters there as possible and maybe ask for a workshop on  the Common Wealth Statement. Check out and register for the conference here